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Announcing official support for zypper


We’re excited to announce that we’ve added official support for zypper, the package manager that is widely used on openSUSE and SUSE Enterprise Linux Server (SLES)!

Uploading packages

To upload a package for openSUSE or SLES you can either upload via our web UI or with our command line client just like you would for any of our other package types:

% package_cloud push user/repo/opensuse/42.1 /path/to/package.rpm


Installing SUSE package repositories

Once you’ve uploaded some packages, you can simply click the “Installation” tab on your repository page and install the repository quickly with a bash script. If you prefer to install your repository step-by-step, you can also follow the manual install instructions which will guide you through each step.


Let us know what you think!

If you are an openSUSE or SLES user, we’d love to hear from you!

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