Enveil uses Packagecloud to distribute commercial software

About Enveil

Enveil is a pioneering Privacy Enhancing Technology company changing the paradigm of how and where organizations can leverage data to unlock value. Defining the transformative category of Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs), Enveil’s ZeroReveal® software solutions for secure data usage, sharing, collaboration, and monetization protect data while it's being used or processed. Customers can extract insights, cross-match, search, and analyze data assets at scale without ever revealing the content of the search itself, compromising the security or ownership of the underlying data, or exposing their interests and intent.


How Enveil uses Packagecloud 

To support deployments of its commercial off the shelf (COTS) software, Enveil required an easy-to-use, flexible platform to deliver solutions to customers. Packagecloud makes software deployment quick and easy for the Enveil team, increasing speed to deliveries and software updates, and is now integral to the company’s process. Tim Pfeifer, a senior software engineer at Enveil, shared more about his experience using the platform.

Tim started at Enveil as a deployment engineer, focusing on installing and configuring the Enveil ZeroReveal product suite within customer environments. He began using the automated Packagecloud installation and was impressed with its completeness and simplicity. Given all of the responsibilities of an engineering team in a growing, category-defining startup, Enveil needed a product that could make delivery simple and scalable. “We really don't have to think about Packagecloud,” Tim said. “It is truly a top notch product.”

Enveil’s engineering team has used Packagecloud for more than five years as a combined Debian and RPM repository for its PETs-powered solutions, which leverage homomorphic encryption and secure multi-party computation. The Packagecloud API makes it easy for the engineering team to quickly release new versions of the ZeroReveal software through the automated CI/CD pipeline, allowing the team to focus more of its time on developing and delivering value to customers. The Enveil team relied on these capabilities during the recent release of its new ZeroReveal® Machine Learning Encrypted Training (ZMET) solution, which enables encrypted federated learning and the secure usage of disparate, decentralized datasets for machine learning applications. Packagecloud also supports version 4.0 of Enveil’s flagship ZeroReveal® Search product. 

To fellow developers

“If you enjoy manually deploying, releasing, and delivering your software to customers, then Packagecloud is not for you,” Tim said. “However, if you want to simplify your software release and delivery, Packagecloud can manage it for you, allowing you to return to your regularly scheduled development tasks.” 

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